Friday, March 29, 2013
Every single day this company say or does something nasty nationwide or worldwide..
It could be heavy pollution, fraud, scam,ripoff, illness,fines,misery, evictions, cyanide,breaking the law, etc, etc, you name it..
There is only negativism and bad news from them..over , and over, and over..
And the worst of all, is the impunity that they get..
It feels like a bad new karma over dominican people..
Why they just simply go home?
Tuesday, March 26, 2013
Inside story: the Bush gang and Barrick Gold Corporation
The real history of Barrick Gold
by Anton Chaitkin
Barrick Gold, caught scrambling for loot amid the corpses in Zaire, is a corporate front for the George Bush-allied covert political apparatus. The Canada-based Barrick is Bush's only known current business enterprise. The company, which Bush now personally leads, was created by Bush's political partners--British elite narcotics financiers, and arms traffickers and money launderers.
Using the influence of this political faction, Barrick acquired important interests, first in the United States, then in Canada and South America. In South America, as Barrick boasts in its 1995 annual report, the company has an aggressive, long-term approach, with mines and projects established in strategic locations in Argentina, Chile, Peru, Bolivia, and Brazil. ``Almost two-thirds of the exploration and development drilling budget will be spent in South America, where the company has decided to focus its efforts,'' the annual report states. In addition, with its intended conquests in Indonesia and Africa, the firm now says it aims to move from third to first among the world's largest gold mining companies.
We present here the results of {EIR'}s investigation of the Bush company, centering on the following principal figures:
George Herbert Walker Bush:
whose father was a partner in the powerful London-controlled private banking firm Brown Brothers Harriman. Relevant to the Barrick story, Bush was U.S. vice president and chief of covert operations in the Reagan-Bush (1981-89) administration, and U.S. President (1989-93). As a former President and power broker, Bush is Barrick Gold Corp.'s chief lobbyist, a stockholder in Barrick, and honorary senior adviser to Barrick's international advisory board.
Adnan Khashoggi:
a Bush-allied Saudi billionaire and arms trafficker, founder of the Barrick Gold Corp.; famous for his illegal weapons sales to Iran.
Peter Munk:
a business failure who became a protege of the British royal family, and Khashoggi's partner. Munk is chairman of Barrick Gold Corp.
Brian Mulroney:
Canadian prime minister (1984-93) and George Bush's errand boy; Barrick Gold lobbyist and director, Bush's lieutenant on the Barrick international advisory board.
Barrick Gold was founded in Toronto, Canada, in 1983. The majority investment in the firm was held by Khashoggi and his arms-trafficking partners, who were just then gearing up the Iran-Israel-Nicaragua guns and cocaine tangle which would explode in 1986 as the ``Iran-Contra'' scandal.
The nominal chief of Barrick Gold was Peter Munk, a Hungarian Jewish immigrant who had repeatedly ``died'' as a businessman, only to be repeatedly revived by princes and principalities. This much of Munk's story is before the public in a biography that was written and published with Munk's support, entitled {Peter Munk: The Making of a Modern Tycoon,} by Donald Rumball (Toronto: Stoddart Publishing Co., 1996). It vaguely describes Munk's public disgrace, his self-exile in London, and his sudden rise to near-billionaire status, ending with Munk's invitation to George Bush became honorary senior adviser to the board, created in May 1995.
- The Clairtone heist -
Peter Munk first became notorious in Canada in the late 1960s, as the beneficiary in an insider trading scandal. Munk and a partner named David Gilmour owned an audio equipment manufacturing company that had been heavily subsidized by the province of Nova Scotia. Munk and Gilmour quietly dumped 29,000 shares of Clairtone stock in 1967, just before publication of the company's financial report tipped off other investors that the company was failing. After Munk sold at $9 per share, the stock plunged to $1.
Dr. Morton Shulman, a member of the legislative assembly of the province of Ontario, asked government representatives if Munk would escape with his money and no legal consequences (see Ontario Legislative Library record of Ontario provincial parliamentary debate on June 3, 1969).
Ontario Minister of Financial and Commercial Affairs H.L. Rowntree responded that a court had been requested to order the Ontario Securities Commission ``to commence an action in connection with [Munk's] Clairtone Sound Company ... for an action in the name of the company for the accounting of profits allegedly made by him by reason of the improper use of inside information.''
Khashoggi, Barrick, and the ayatollahs -
In 1974, Munk signed an investment partnership agreement with arms-trafficking billionaire Adnan Khashoggi of Saudi Arabia. According to Munk's approved biography, the new alliance was cemented when Munk and Khashoggi were summoned to the London headquarters of Peninsular and Orient. P&O's hereditary boss was Lord Inchcape, whose predecessor in the 1920s (also Lord Inchcape) had directed Britain's India Commission to continue the Empire's opium production.
Khashoggi used the Monte Carlo office of the Bank of Credit and Commerce International to launder money for Iran arms sales. Barrick Gold Corp. co-founder Kamal Adham was later prosecuted for fraud in the BCCI case, and paid a $100 million fine
As the U.S. Congress took up the arms-for-drugs investigation and other trails leading to Vice President Bush, Khashoggi became too hot for the Canadian partnership, and the Khashoggi group's shares were officially sold off. Khashoggi was himself arrested in 1989, in a fraud case involving the Philippines' Marcos regime. Taken from Switzerland and jailed in New York, Khashoggi was bailed out with a $4 million check from his partner, Peter Munk
In 1983, the Khashoggi-led group formed the gold company whose name was soon changed to Barrick Gold Corp. Sheik Kamal Adham was reportedly one of the new company's founding co-owners. Adham, the chief of Saudi intelligence, had coordinated royalist guerrillas in Yemen, with British arms secretly provided through Khashoggi.
Beginning in 1985, Khashoggi borrowed $21 million, using his Barrick stock as collateral, for the covert transfer of arms to Iran for the Bush-North group, during an official U.S. arms embargo against the Khomeini regime. Khashoggi made Donald Fraser, the Toronto-based businessman who allegedly provided the loan from his Cayman Islands company, president of Khashoggi's Triad American holding company.
- Bush cashes his gold chips -
In 1986-87, at the height of the Iran-Contra controversy, the Barrick Gold Corp. acquired the Goldstrike property in Nevada for $63 million. The land, proving to hold $10 billion in gold, was the property of the U.S. government. Bush was elected President in 1988, and his administration put through a special dispensation--applied only to the Barrick Gold Corp.--to speed up the normal procedures for a mining company to take official title (``patent'') to the land.
With the Bush Goldstrike intervention, Barrick Gold shot up from insignificance, to world power status, and Bush himself climbed onboard.
In 1994, Mulroney's phone calls to the Presidents of Chile and Argentina, and the prime minister of China, helped Barrick move into gold mines in those nations. His ``advice'' was rewarded with $1.2 million in stock options and $300,000 in fees. Rev. Sun Myung Moon rewarded Mulroney and Bush for their vouching for him in Ibero-America in November 1996. Mulroney, a board member of Archer Daniels Midland, ran ADM's internal ``investigation'' of its price-fixing scandal.
Rev. Sun Myung Moon was a Korean religious leader best known as the founder of the Unification Church and for his claim that he was a messiah.[1] He was also known as a media mogul and an anti-communist activist. By the time of his death, the Unification Church's affiliated organizations had become a multi-billion-dollar empire
etc, etc...
dont forget about Gustavo Cisnero,a Venezuelan media mogul . He is among the world's richest men according to Forbes magazine, which estimated his fortune at $4.2 billion in 2010. The New York Times calls Cisneros, "one of Latin America’s most powerful figures"who tried a coup-d'etat against the president Chavez is part of the Barrick organization as well .
click here
Estos son los personajes tenebrosos duenos de la Barrick Gold. Para muestras un boton.
Los politicos nuestros ignorantes tienen que pelear contra ellos.
Usted siendo inteligente, saque sus propias conclusiones..
Monday, March 25, 2013
Barrick Gold: Lo verdaderamente Inaceptable
25 de marzo del 2013
“¡Eso es sencillamente INACEPTABLE!”. Danilo Medina Sanchez
Las operaciones de la empresa de la Barrick Gold en el mundo se caracterizan por la destrucción del medio ambiente, la corrupción política, los conflictos sociales, los abusos contra los derechos humanos, la complicidad de las autoridades y el consumo de cantidades de agua y energía.
La empresa enarbola el principio de “minería responsable”, pero desde Argentina hasta Canadá, pasando por Chile, Perú, Honduras, y desde el Congo hasta Papua Nueva Guinea, las protestas, las críticas, los conflictos generados por la Barrick no dejan de estar presente.
¿Porque nos sorprendemos? ¿Qué nos dice el buen sentido? ¿Qué expresa el sentido común? ¿Cuáles son los intereses a defender? ¿Cómo pondera un Presidente a la Barrick Gold?
Conociendo los peligrosos antecedentes de la Barrick Gold la empresa minera aurífera más grande del mundo, que van desde evitar toda responsabilidad por la destructora herencia ambiental que dejan sus proyectos, aliarse a políticos corruptos, ocultar y omitir información, hasta recurrir a la violencia contra los críticos de sus operaciones, se hace necesario asumir el deber de defender nuestros recursos naturales, con la determinación, el valor y el arrojo que demandan las circunstancias.
Los peligros de la Barrick Gold: Más allá del esquema fiscal y el valor del oro.
Cuando analizamos al detalle los artículos contenidos en el Acuerdo Especial de Arrendamiento de Derechos Mineros entre el Estado Dominicano y Barrick Gold Corporation, concluimos en que el contrato es lesivo para los intereses del país, porque viola la Constitución de la República y las leyes nacionales de minería y medio ambiente.
La República Dominicana está sujeta a lo que la empresa decida sobre cuándo, cómo y cuánto pagará. Y, con el historial que tiene la Barrick Gold, se corre el riesgo de que siempre declare pérdidas para no pagar, tal y como lo hicieron en la mina El Indio, en Chile. En esa nación suramericana, los ejecutivos de la Barrick declararon pérdidas durante dieciséis años.
El Estado Dominicano autorizó a la empresa Barrick Gold para desviar corrientes de agua y decidió asumir todos los cargos que pudiesen aplicársele por el uso o consumo de ese líquido.
En relación a los derechos del Agua, el Estado dominicano se comprometió a proveer a Pueblo Viejo Dominicana (PVDC) todos los permisos y autorizaciones para el uso de agua que sea necesaria en las operaciones, además acordó asumir “los cargos que pudieran aplicarse por el uso de agua y otros cargos de cualquier clase que el INDRHI u otra institución pudieran facturar y/o requerir a PVDC por el uso y consumo del agua”
Sabemos que la explotación aurífera a cielo abierto requiere de miles de millones de litros de agua anualmente, más los explosivos, el mercurio y el cianuro, todo en grandes cantidades, y más aún si se quiere sacar miles de onzas de oro, plata y otros minerales potenciales por años.
Los propósitos expansivos de la multinacional a través de la creación de tres empresas subsidiarias, ubicadas en puntos estratégicos para la producción de agua, atentan contra todo el territorio dominicano, tal es el caso de Dajabón, el Valle de San Juan de la Maguana y las cordilleras Septentrional y Central los cuales están en la mira de Barrick Gold.
En lo referente a ya sus brigadas transitan libremente por la Cordillera Central con el propósito de ubicar su línea de transmisión eléctrica desde Puerto Viejo de Azua, hasta Pueblo Viejo, Cotuí.
De igual modo, por las zonas cordilleranas de Azua, San José de Ocoa y Monseñor Nouel, están despojando a los campesinos de sus tierras, pagándoles en base a cotizaciones de hace veinte años y amenazándoles con la sentencia de “las vende o se las quitamos”. ¿ A quién le preocupa esto, que no es tributación?
La Barrick Gold, con la anuencia del gobierno dominicano, avanza en sus propósitos expansivos, colocándonos en una situación que implican peligros ambientales, sociales y de la propiedad, en todo nuestro territorio.
Es oportuna la ocasión para exigir al pueblo canadiense a su gobierno demandar la debida responsabilidad de la compañía Barrick por la corrupción, la manipulación de información y la destrucción del medio ambiente y los abusos de su industria minera a nivel mundial.
25 de marzo del 2013
“¡Eso es sencillamente INACEPTABLE!”. Danilo Medina Sanchez
Las operaciones de la empresa de la Barrick Gold en el mundo se caracterizan por la destrucción del medio ambiente, la corrupción política, los conflictos sociales, los abusos contra los derechos humanos, la complicidad de las autoridades y el consumo de cantidades de agua y energía.
La empresa enarbola el principio de “minería responsable”, pero desde Argentina hasta Canadá, pasando por Chile, Perú, Honduras, y desde el Congo hasta Papua Nueva Guinea, las protestas, las críticas, los conflictos generados por la Barrick no dejan de estar presente.
¿Porque nos sorprendemos? ¿Qué nos dice el buen sentido? ¿Qué expresa el sentido común? ¿Cuáles son los intereses a defender? ¿Cómo pondera un Presidente a la Barrick Gold?
Conociendo los peligrosos antecedentes de la Barrick Gold la empresa minera aurífera más grande del mundo, que van desde evitar toda responsabilidad por la destructora herencia ambiental que dejan sus proyectos, aliarse a políticos corruptos, ocultar y omitir información, hasta recurrir a la violencia contra los críticos de sus operaciones, se hace necesario asumir el deber de defender nuestros recursos naturales, con la determinación, el valor y el arrojo que demandan las circunstancias.
Los peligros de la Barrick Gold: Más allá del esquema fiscal y el valor del oro.
Cuando analizamos al detalle los artículos contenidos en el Acuerdo Especial de Arrendamiento de Derechos Mineros entre el Estado Dominicano y Barrick Gold Corporation, concluimos en que el contrato es lesivo para los intereses del país, porque viola la Constitución de la República y las leyes nacionales de minería y medio ambiente.
La República Dominicana está sujeta a lo que la empresa decida sobre cuándo, cómo y cuánto pagará. Y, con el historial que tiene la Barrick Gold, se corre el riesgo de que siempre declare pérdidas para no pagar, tal y como lo hicieron en la mina El Indio, en Chile. En esa nación suramericana, los ejecutivos de la Barrick declararon pérdidas durante dieciséis años.
El Estado Dominicano autorizó a la empresa Barrick Gold para desviar corrientes de agua y decidió asumir todos los cargos que pudiesen aplicársele por el uso o consumo de ese líquido.
En relación a los derechos del Agua, el Estado dominicano se comprometió a proveer a Pueblo Viejo Dominicana (PVDC) todos los permisos y autorizaciones para el uso de agua que sea necesaria en las operaciones, además acordó asumir “los cargos que pudieran aplicarse por el uso de agua y otros cargos de cualquier clase que el INDRHI u otra institución pudieran facturar y/o requerir a PVDC por el uso y consumo del agua”
Sabemos que la explotación aurífera a cielo abierto requiere de miles de millones de litros de agua anualmente, más los explosivos, el mercurio y el cianuro, todo en grandes cantidades, y más aún si se quiere sacar miles de onzas de oro, plata y otros minerales potenciales por años.
Los propósitos expansivos de la multinacional a través de la creación de tres empresas subsidiarias, ubicadas en puntos estratégicos para la producción de agua, atentan contra todo el territorio dominicano, tal es el caso de Dajabón, el Valle de San Juan de la Maguana y las cordilleras Septentrional y Central los cuales están en la mira de Barrick Gold.
En lo referente a ya sus brigadas transitan libremente por la Cordillera Central con el propósito de ubicar su línea de transmisión eléctrica desde Puerto Viejo de Azua, hasta Pueblo Viejo, Cotuí.
De igual modo, por las zonas cordilleranas de Azua, San José de Ocoa y Monseñor Nouel, están despojando a los campesinos de sus tierras, pagándoles en base a cotizaciones de hace veinte años y amenazándoles con la sentencia de “las vende o se las quitamos”. ¿ A quién le preocupa esto, que no es tributación?
La Barrick Gold, con la anuencia del gobierno dominicano, avanza en sus propósitos expansivos, colocándonos en una situación que implican peligros ambientales, sociales y de la propiedad, en todo nuestro territorio.
Es oportuna la ocasión para exigir al pueblo canadiense a su gobierno demandar la debida responsabilidad de la compañía Barrick por la corrupción, la manipulación de información y la destrucción del medio ambiente y los abusos de su industria minera a nivel mundial.
Barrick Gold,
dile no a la Barrick,
Dominican Republic,
Republica Dominicana,
Santo Domingo,
say no to Barrick gold,
Sunday, March 24, 2013
Los trucos en los embarques de oro de Barrick.
Por: R. Osiris de León.
En la pasada semana, el pueblo dominicano quedó sísmicamente estremecido, cuando se dio a conocer que la Dirección General de Aduanas Dominicanas había retenido un embarque de Doré (aleación de oro y plata), procedente de la nueva colonizadora minera Barrick Gold, debido a que la empresa minera se negaba a que las paletas, herméticamente selladas, fuesen abiertas, como debe ser, para fines de revisión y verificación aduanal, bajo el ridículo alegato de que los sellos sólo podían ser abiertos en Canadá, lugar hacia donde se exportaba el Doré.
Sin embargo, la retención del embarque de Doré, que podría ser el No.21 de los últimos seis meses, cada uno realizado del mismo modo, sirvió para descubrir uno de los fraudes más escandalosos cometidos por la industria minera contra nuestro país, ya que inteligentemente en el manifiesto de embarque se consignaba a Estados Unidos como lugar de origen del Doré, lo que podría pasar desapercibido frente al ciudadano común, pero no ante los ojos de quienes sabemos de minería.
Quizás pocos dominicanos conocen que Barrick Gold opera 13 minas de oro en los Estados Unidos, y si el oro dominicano es exportado hacia Canadá como originado en Estados Unidos, se sobrestima la producción de sus minas en USA y se subvalúa la producción de oro dominicano, y para fines de recuperación de su triple inflada inversión dominicana, para fines de alcanzar su tasa interna de retorno del 10%, y para fines del pago al Estado Dominicano del 28.75% de Participación en la Utilidades Netas (PUN), ese oro no cuenta, porque oficialmente nunca se produjo aquí porque nunca se exportó como originado en la Rep. Dominicana, y así la Barrick nunca tendría que pagar por ese oro.
Y usted diría, pero claro que el oro se produjo aquí y se exportó, porque la planta metalúrgica de Cotuí está operando a plena capacidad desde el último trimestre del año 2012, y tiene capacidad para moler diariamente 24,000 toneladas métricas de mineral sulfuroso, lo que indica que si el mineral enviado a molienda contiene 2 gramos de oro por tonelada, y la recuperación alcanza el 91%, se obtienen 1,400 onzas de oro diariamente, pero si el mineral enviado a molienda contiene 4 gramos de oro por tonelada, se obtienen 2,800 onzas de oro por día, sin variar el proceso ni los costos operativos, pudiendo enviar mineral de 5 y 6 gramos de oro por tonelada, y ahí es donde comienzan los trucos.
La primera parte del truco se inicia cuando la empresa envía a molienda mineral rico de 4 gr. Au/ton, pero reporta mineral normal de 2 gr. Au/ton, y engaña diariamente al Gobierno con 1,400 onzas de oro que las exporta hacia Canadá como producidas en Estados Unidos, y que a los precios actuales representaría unos 850 millones de dólares al año que se llevaría a escondidas sin que el dueño del oro reciba nada.
La segunda parte del truco se monta cuando la Barrick anuncia públicamente que en sus primeros años va a producir unas 625,000 onzas de oro anualmente, cuando en realidad va a producir más de un millón de onzas de oro anualmente, pero para que los números cuadren, la diferencia excedente tiene que ser exportada discretamente como originada en sus minas de Estados Unidos, y esa producción de oro no entra en la contabilidad dominicana. Por eso en el manifiesto de embarque del Doré se puso como país de origen: Estados Unidos, lo que hasta ahora había contado con la complicidad de personal aduanal.
La tercera parte del truco está en el uso de la palabra Doré en el manifiesto de embarque, pues Doré es un término genérico aplicable a toda aleación de oro y plata, pero sin especificar cuánto es oro y cuánto es plata, lo que le permite a la Barrick jugar a su discreción con las cantidades de oro y de plata que coloca en cada embarque, y reportar al Gobierno lo que ella quiera, pues mientras el oro hoy está a US$1,600/onza, la plata se cotiza a US$29/onza, es decir, el oro hoy está costando 55 veces más que la plata, y así en cada embarque gran parte del oro caro se exporta disfrazado como plata barata.
Lamentablemente la Dirección General de Aduanas Dominicanas no tiene cómo determinar cuánto oro y cuánta plata va en cada embarque de Doré, pues sólo el laboratorio químico puede determinarlo y para ello hay que tomar muestras del metal y analizarlas mediante espectro fotómetro, cosa que Aduanas no tiene, aunque puede encargar estudios a laboratorios privados nacionales y extranjeros.
Es importante destacar que la retención de este embarque no respondía a una inspección aleatoria, como quiso decir Aduanas, sino a una firme decisión presidencial correctamente adoptada para presionar a la empresa minera y obligarla a que se siente a renegociar un Contrato que le deja a ella el 97% de los beneficios reportados y a los dominicanos el 3%, pero como se puede ver, gracias a los trucos, lo reportado tiende a ser la mitad de lo realmente producido, y así los indígenas de Quisqueya estamos siendo nuevamente engañados por los colonizadores que desde hace 500 años han venido a buscar oro.
Sunday, March 10, 2013
Barrick Gold concession violates laws
Deputies say Dominicans Barrick concession violates laws
Posted March 6, 2013 Associated Press
SANTO DOMINGO, DOMINICAN REPUBLIC - A special committee of the Chamber of Deputies of the Dominican Republic reported Wednesday that the millionaire contract granting a gold mine to Barrick violates several local laws, and therefore recommends that immediate review or annulment.
"We have the options of submitting an override of the Barrick contract with the state because there is sufficient evidence, legal elements," said Demosthenes Martinez, chairman of the justice committee of the House.
Martinez reported that according to a study by a multiple commission, the contract contravenes 10 articles of the energy bill, as well as at least five of the environmental law and several provisions of the constitution.
The agreement, originally negotiated in 2002, was amended by an amendment passed by Congress (bicameral) in September 2009.
After months of protests against various sectors of the mining concession considering leaving few economic benefits to the country, the president of the Chamber of Deputies, Abel Martinez, requested in February to justice commissions, environment and energy, submit the agreement to a new study.
The tripartite committee concluded its report on Wednesday, which will be discussed in the coming days by the full House of Representatives, said Alejandro Jerez, president of the energy committee.
The Canadian Barrick Gold and Goldcorp acquired in 2006 the concession to operate for 25 years the Pueblo Viejo mine, 100 kilometers north of the capital, with a proven reserve of 20 million ounces of gold. The miner also extract silver and zinc.
Using an adaptation of the contract in question, passed in 2009 by both houses of Congress, Barrick will begin to pay the state profits from the exploitation of the mine only when you have recovered their entire investment and achieved a 10% return.
Until these conditions are met, the state will receive only 3.2% of the profits and income tax.
President Manuel Rocha miner said last week that the mining company has invested nearly 4,000 million, the highest foreign direct investment in the history of the Dominican Republic.
President Danilo Medina warned last February 27, introducing his first government report that Barrick should renegotiate the contract, considering it "unacceptable" because of a presumed allow the company to remain "virtually all" the benefit of the mineral extraction and export, which began in mid-2012.
Medina said that gold prices have increased from $ 298 an ounce since negotiating a $ 1,700 grant, without representing more immediate benefits for the country.
Not to accept a renegotiation, Medina warned the mining submit a bill to impose new taxes on the "windfall profits" of the mining industry by the increase in metal prices.
While insisting that the company is open to dialogue, the Pueblo Viejo Barrick spokesman, Jorge Esteva, said this week in an interview with a local television station to "renegotiate the contract, redefine the rules, change the legal framework that protects the investment, that is not on the table ".
Esteva told The Associated Press that negotiations to adapt the contract in 2009 lasted 27 months and also passes through both houses of Congress and was enacted by the executive branch.
Trajano Potentini from the Justice and Transparency Foundation (FJT), reported Sunday that the contract with the company Barrick Gold, as well as being harmful, illegal and unjust, so Olympic violates the Constitution, in relation to the constitutional principles of equality, equity and proportionality, privileges almost absolute tax exemptions, as well as issues of health, environment, international treaties, and the General Mining Law.
Trajano Potentini president of the FJT considered mockery, a challenge and a provocation of the head of the Barrick Gold in the country, when required by the Dominican State to fulfill an agreement that is illegal, unjust and unacceptable.
"It is a contract full of constitutional and legal violations, specifically the Mining Law of the Dominican Republic, it is a nightmare, a dismal and unfortunate experience for the country, which now requires the will and determination of the authorities and the Dominican people in a relentless struggle to reclaim our heritage, "he said.
Cancellation of contract
He stressed that the consensus position of the FJT, is that the contract is totally null reference, both by general principles of law that establish the invalidity of the conventions that repealing public order regulations, as express provision of Article 19 in fine of the Mining Law No.146 "the terms of the contracts may not be less favorable to the national economic interest that under this law."
He said the contract Barrick Gold violates Articles 32, 43, 75, 95, 98 letter g), 129, 133, 134, 137 and 138 including the Mining Law of the Dominican Republic, No. 146, dated 16 June 1971, published in Official Gazette No. 9231, resulting void.
Trajano said that among the many violations attributed to the contract between the Dominican State and Barrick Gold, was identified as Article 98 directs the Dominican Mining Law, which within six following the granting of the concession, the Barrick Gold due constitute a Dominican company to carry out the operation, which has not done yet. For this reason alone, the award is null and void.
Friday, March 8, 2013
The battle between Barrick Gold and dominican goverment..and their negotiators
Losses by Barrick Gold increase value of Pueblo Viejo
Issue of judicial security divides business community
SANTO DOMINGO. The exploitation of the gold mine which the Barrick Gold mining company is administering in Dominican territory is one of the businesses which the Canadian company is betting on to improve it earnings, given the decrease in earnings in 2012 and the demands of investors for a change in the gold industry.
Peruvian miners in front of Barrick Gold installations in Cotui, Dominican republic
In a report published by the mining company on its webpage, dated 14 February, which contains the results of the company's behavior in 2012, the company reports a net loss of US$3.06 billion (US$3.06 per share) in the fourth quarter of the year, "including a US$4.2 billion after-tax impairment charge primarily related to our copper business unit."
For all of 2012 Barrick reported a net loss of US$0.67 billion (US$670,000,000) and US$0.66 a share, "including after-tax impairment charges of $4.4 billion." (NT: "Adjusted net earnings of $3.83 billion ($3.82 per share) were the second highest in the company's history.
The high costs, beyond what was foreseen, are taking the company to the decision to sell Barrick Energy and not expand the copper mine at Lumwana, Zambia.
In the meantime, the company is focusing on the 1.5 million ounces of gold of the average annual production of Pueblo Viejo and Pascua-Lama. Pueblo Viejo, in the Dominican Republic has gold reserves of 25,300,000 ounces and is one of the largest undeveloped gold deposits in the world. Pascua-Lama, on the border between Argentina and Chile has proven and probable reserves of 17.9 million ounces of gold.
in other words, Dominican republic have to be the one that help Barrick Gold to avoid the same net loss at ANY COST.That includes you , me and everything you know so far in DR.
"We have a number of world class mineral resources around the world that have considerable economic potential, but at the present time they do not comply with our investment criteria. In the meantime, we are going to spent the minimum amount of capital needed to maintain the economic potential of these assets," says the Barrick report by Jamie Solkalsky, the CEO of Barrick Gold Corporation.
On 27 February, President Danilo Medina issued a "last" call for Barrick Gold to sit down with the government to revise the fiscal aspects of the contract for the exploitation of Pueblo Viejo, since he considers the current scheme of distribution of the income from the sale of gold to be "unacceptable."
The mining company has stated its willingness, but says that it faces limitations due to the commitments undertaken with the institutions that are financing the project.
The specialist in mediation and a negotiation consultant, Nelson Espinal Baez, said that the fact that the mining company lowered its global earnings "is not an objective criteria for opposing a renegotiation (process) with the Dominican government."
this is the profile of the negotiator from barrick gold:Nelson Espinal Báez
Associate MIT-Harvard Public Disputes Program at Harvard Law School. Abogado, Mediador y Consultor en Negociación
Dominican Republic Alternative Dispute Resolution
CIC - Cambridge International Consulting,Abogado, mediador, consultor en negociación, árbitro y profesor universitario, Associate MIT- Harvard Public Disputes Program at Harvard Law School, consorcio universitario formado por la Universidad de Harvard y el Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT) para la investigación y desarrollo de la teoría y la práctica de las negociaciones complejas, la mediación de conflictos públicos y la construcción de consenso en políticas públicas.
Do you think the government officials have such an expert in negotiations as well?
And this is the expert from the government..
who would you choose?
Vincho Castillo advierte Barrick debe medir consecuencias ante negación
Publicado por Noticias SIN en marzo 7, 2013
SANTO DOMINGO, República Dominicana.- El director general de Ética e Integridad Gubernamental, Marino Vinicio Castillo (Vincho), advirtió este jueves a la Barrick Gold, medir las consecuencias que pudieran desprenderse ante la negación al diálogo con el gobierno, el cual busca una salida racional y equilibrada a favor de los intereses colectivos de la nación.
Castillo se refirió al tema durante su discurso en acto de juramentación de la Comisión de Ética del Ministerio de Hacienda, al explicar que se han analizado las variables del precio en el mercado del oro desde el momento en que se estableció contrato y cómo han surgido factores de rigor que exigen una revisión justa y equitativa, porque se han transformado los beneficios.
“El precio del oro se ha enmendado y se ha encargado de desquiciar el contrato, de desajustarlo, de hacerlo inicuo; razón por la que se le ha pedido tomar medidas razonables en base a la equidad, de lo contrario, creo que el gobierno debe estar pensando en las consecuencias y en la ley para fijar los impuestos”, apuntó el funcionario.
En el acto estuvo presente Simón Lizardo, ministro de Hacienda quien también destacó la importancia de reviste el cumplimiento ..
I am sure we will see a nice fight but at the end, we hope we will see the Dominican people wining..
Issue of judicial security divides business community
SANTO DOMINGO. The exploitation of the gold mine which the Barrick Gold mining company is administering in Dominican territory is one of the businesses which the Canadian company is betting on to improve it earnings, given the decrease in earnings in 2012 and the demands of investors for a change in the gold industry.
Peruvian miners in front of Barrick Gold installations in Cotui, Dominican republic
In a report published by the mining company on its webpage, dated 14 February, which contains the results of the company's behavior in 2012, the company reports a net loss of US$3.06 billion (US$3.06 per share) in the fourth quarter of the year, "including a US$4.2 billion after-tax impairment charge primarily related to our copper business unit."
For all of 2012 Barrick reported a net loss of US$0.67 billion (US$670,000,000) and US$0.66 a share, "including after-tax impairment charges of $4.4 billion." (NT: "Adjusted net earnings of $3.83 billion ($3.82 per share) were the second highest in the company's history.
The high costs, beyond what was foreseen, are taking the company to the decision to sell Barrick Energy and not expand the copper mine at Lumwana, Zambia.
In the meantime, the company is focusing on the 1.5 million ounces of gold of the average annual production of Pueblo Viejo and Pascua-Lama. Pueblo Viejo, in the Dominican Republic has gold reserves of 25,300,000 ounces and is one of the largest undeveloped gold deposits in the world. Pascua-Lama, on the border between Argentina and Chile has proven and probable reserves of 17.9 million ounces of gold.
in other words, Dominican republic have to be the one that help Barrick Gold to avoid the same net loss at ANY COST.That includes you , me and everything you know so far in DR.
"We have a number of world class mineral resources around the world that have considerable economic potential, but at the present time they do not comply with our investment criteria. In the meantime, we are going to spent the minimum amount of capital needed to maintain the economic potential of these assets," says the Barrick report by Jamie Solkalsky, the CEO of Barrick Gold Corporation.
On 27 February, President Danilo Medina issued a "last" call for Barrick Gold to sit down with the government to revise the fiscal aspects of the contract for the exploitation of Pueblo Viejo, since he considers the current scheme of distribution of the income from the sale of gold to be "unacceptable."
The mining company has stated its willingness, but says that it faces limitations due to the commitments undertaken with the institutions that are financing the project.
The specialist in mediation and a negotiation consultant, Nelson Espinal Baez, said that the fact that the mining company lowered its global earnings "is not an objective criteria for opposing a renegotiation (process) with the Dominican government."
this is the profile of the negotiator from barrick gold:Nelson Espinal Báez
Associate MIT-Harvard Public Disputes Program at Harvard Law School. Abogado, Mediador y Consultor en Negociación
Dominican Republic Alternative Dispute Resolution
CIC - Cambridge International Consulting,Abogado, mediador, consultor en negociación, árbitro y profesor universitario, Associate MIT- Harvard Public Disputes Program at Harvard Law School, consorcio universitario formado por la Universidad de Harvard y el Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT) para la investigación y desarrollo de la teoría y la práctica de las negociaciones complejas, la mediación de conflictos públicos y la construcción de consenso en políticas públicas.
Do you think the government officials have such an expert in negotiations as well?
And this is the expert from the government..
who would you choose?
Vincho Castillo advierte Barrick debe medir consecuencias ante negación
Publicado por Noticias SIN en marzo 7, 2013
SANTO DOMINGO, República Dominicana.- El director general de Ética e Integridad Gubernamental, Marino Vinicio Castillo (Vincho), advirtió este jueves a la Barrick Gold, medir las consecuencias que pudieran desprenderse ante la negación al diálogo con el gobierno, el cual busca una salida racional y equilibrada a favor de los intereses colectivos de la nación.
Castillo se refirió al tema durante su discurso en acto de juramentación de la Comisión de Ética del Ministerio de Hacienda, al explicar que se han analizado las variables del precio en el mercado del oro desde el momento en que se estableció contrato y cómo han surgido factores de rigor que exigen una revisión justa y equitativa, porque se han transformado los beneficios.
“El precio del oro se ha enmendado y se ha encargado de desquiciar el contrato, de desajustarlo, de hacerlo inicuo; razón por la que se le ha pedido tomar medidas razonables en base a la equidad, de lo contrario, creo que el gobierno debe estar pensando en las consecuencias y en la ley para fijar los impuestos”, apuntó el funcionario.
En el acto estuvo presente Simón Lizardo, ministro de Hacienda quien también destacó la importancia de reviste el cumplimiento ..
I am sure we will see a nice fight but at the end, we hope we will see the Dominican people wining..
Barrick Gold,
dile no a la Barrick,
Dominican Republic,
say no to Barrick gold
Thursday, March 7, 2013
The problems of Barrick Gold in Dominican Republic
The contemporary history of the Pueblo Viejo gold mine, which produces gold oxide at the top and gold sulfide at the bottom, begins in 1975 with Rosario Resources Corporation, a company that later passed into the hands of the Dominican State under the name Rosario Dominicana, and whose operations ceased permanently in 1999 because of economic and environmental factors. In 2002, the mine found a new leaseholder, the Canadian company Placer Dome, which signed a 33-year contract before being bought by another Canadian company, Barrick Gold, in 2006. Barrick Gold has been in the sights of the Dominicans some of the details about the signed contract were made public, a contract which was approved at the end of 2009 in Congress by the vast majority of legislators.
The renegotiation of the contract with the Dominican State when Barrick Gold acquired Placer Dome followed the movement of gold prices in the stock market, which has risen substantially since 2002 in response to successive food and financial crises – both of a global reach- until it reached a price of more than US$1000 an ounce, where it currently stands.
The original contract signed with Placer Dome held the State's profits to the price of gold, which meant that the higher the price on the market, the greater the profits for the Stage. Geologist and blogger Osiris de León explains it this way [es]:
While some people believe that the contract leaves the Dominican Republic at a clear disadvantage, this is not the only reason for protest. There is concern about the effects that the operations of Barrick Gold will have on the environment, due to the bad reputation the consortium has on a global scale, which has not escaped the attention of Dominicans. Indeed, there have been public protests [es] and various groups have utilized groups on Facebook [es]The blog also provides details of the contract approved by Dominican lawmakers, forced evictions for area residents, and the work currently being performed by Barrick Gold in the readjustment of the mine, which has made headlines in recent days for the intoxication of over 300 peruvian workers for reasons still unexplained. While the company talks about food poisoning [es],a regular lie) others insist that the poisoning was due a a boiler explosion
Barrick Gold has felt a lot of pressure in the Dominican Republic that it has seen the urgent need for a public relations program, which includes the publication of statements in paid advertisement spaces in national newspapers and on national television. Their representatives leave no doubt the benefits that their presence is having in Cotuí.
Despite the public relations efforts, people are continuing to protest. For Holy Week, there is a planned 4-day pilgrimage walk that will depart from Km. 9 of the Duarte Highway towards the mining installation in Cotuí. March organizers expect more than 10,000 people to walk the 105 kilometers to protest against Barrick Gold and to protect the environment in Cotuí, which has been damaged by the operations of Rosario Dominicana, as explained by Alexander Medina, who has 30 years of experience in the mining sector [es].
Paola Mejía Sandoval, of the group NO A LA BARRICK GOLD, BATEALA Y SACALA DEL PAIS [es]
(No to Barrick Gold, bat them and kick them out of the country)
summarizes the feelings from some Dominicans towards Barrick Gold:
The contemporary history of the Pueblo Viejo gold mine, which produces gold oxide at the top and gold sulfide at the bottom, begins in 1975 with Rosario Resources Corporation, a company that later passed into the hands of the Dominican State under the name Rosario Dominicana, and whose operations ceased permanently in 1999 because of economic and environmental factors. In 2002, the mine found a new leaseholder, the Canadian company Placer Dome, which signed a 33-year contract before being bought by another Canadian company, Barrick Gold, in 2006. Barrick Gold has been in the sights of the Dominicans some of the details about the signed contract were made public, a contract which was approved at the end of 2009 in Congress by the vast majority of legislators.
The renegotiation of the contract with the Dominican State when Barrick Gold acquired Placer Dome followed the movement of gold prices in the stock market, which has risen substantially since 2002 in response to successive food and financial crises – both of a global reach- until it reached a price of more than US$1000 an ounce, where it currently stands.
The original contract signed with Placer Dome held the State's profits to the price of gold, which meant that the higher the price on the market, the greater the profits for the Stage. Geologist and blogger Osiris de León explains it this way [es]:
(…) como el precio del oro ha ido en ascenso rápido y ha superado los 1,000 dólares por onza, ello implicaría una participación del Estado en las Utilidades Netas (PUN) de US$194 millones por año, fruto de que la Barrick piensa producir en Pueblo Viejo un millón de onzas de oro anualmente, y al multiplicar 1,000,000 de onzas de oro por US$775, que es el diferencial entre el precio del oro en este momento (US$1,050/onza) y el costo de producción (US$275/onza), y luego multiplicarlo por el 25%, obtenemos unos 194 millones de dólares anuales para el Estado. Y la Barrick se niega a entregar tanto dinero.
Por tal razón la Barrick Gold ha obligado al Estado Dominicano a una renegociación del contrato original, a fin de que esa participación estatal del 25% de las utilidades netas sea llevada a cero, óigase bien, a cero, mientras ellos no hayan obtenido una tasa interna de retorno (TIR) de un 10% y hasta haber recuperado los US$2,585 millones invertidos para desarrollar el proyecto, y a partir de ahí pagar un 28.75% como PUN, con lo cual la Barrick le quita 194 millones de dólares anuales al pueblo dominicano, durante al menos los primeros 6 años de operación, lo que implicaría que durante esos 6 años el pobre pueblo dominicano dejaría de percibir unos 1,164 millones de dólares, a los precios de hoy.For this reason, Barrick Gold has forced the Dominican State to renegotiate the original contract, so that the state share of 25% of net profits will be brought to zero, pay attention, to zero, while they have not obtained a rate of return of 10% and until they had recovered the US$2,585 billion invested to develop the project, and thereafter pay a 28.75% as PUN, which means Barrick takes away the US$194 million annually from the Dominican people during at least the first 6 years of operation, implying that during those 6 years the Dominican people would stop earning of US$1,164 million at today's prices.
While some people believe that the contract leaves the Dominican Republic at a clear disadvantage, this is not the only reason for protest. There is concern about the effects that the operations of Barrick Gold will have on the environment, due to the bad reputation the consortium has on a global scale, which has not escaped the attention of Dominicans. Indeed, there have been public protests [es] and various groups have utilized groups on Facebook [es]The blog also provides details of the contract approved by Dominican lawmakers, forced evictions for area residents, and the work currently being performed by Barrick Gold in the readjustment of the mine, which has made headlines in recent days for the intoxication of over 300 peruvian workers for reasons still unexplained. While the company talks about food poisoning [es],a regular lie) others insist that the poisoning was due a a boiler explosion
Barrick Gold has felt a lot of pressure in the Dominican Republic that it has seen the urgent need for a public relations program, which includes the publication of statements in paid advertisement spaces in national newspapers and on national television. Their representatives leave no doubt the benefits that their presence is having in Cotuí.
Despite the public relations efforts, people are continuing to protest. For Holy Week, there is a planned 4-day pilgrimage walk that will depart from Km. 9 of the Duarte Highway towards the mining installation in Cotuí. March organizers expect more than 10,000 people to walk the 105 kilometers to protest against Barrick Gold and to protect the environment in Cotuí, which has been damaged by the operations of Rosario Dominicana, as explained by Alexander Medina, who has 30 years of experience in the mining sector [es].
Una vez procesados los óxidos de oro, los sulfuros quedaron expuestos y la mina fue abandonada a su suerte, permitiendo que esta drenara hasta la Presa de Hatillo aguas ácidas del río Margajita, producidas por la mezcla del agua de lluvia y el mineral de los sulfuros de oro que quedó al descubierto. Otro impacto ambiental negativo legado por Rosario es la acumulación de metales pesados como el hierro, cobre y mercurio en el sitio de la vieja planta y en los lodos del lecho de los ríos Mejita y Margajita.
Once the gold oxide was processed, the sulfides
were exposed and the mine was abandoned to its fate, allowing acidic
waters from the Margajita River to drain away to the Hatillo Dam.
acidic water is the result of a mixture of rainwater and the minerals
from the gold sulfides that have remained exposed. Another legacy of
negative environmental impact from Rosario is the accumulation of heavy
metals like iron, copper, and mercury at the site of the old plant and
the sludge from Mejita and Margajita Rivers.
Si no peleamos ahora por defender lo que es nuestro quizas manana dej de pertenecernos entonces, por que lucharemos??? nosotros debemos plantarnos en favor de nuestros ideales. NO A LA BARRICK GOLD EN REPUBLICA DOMINICANA.
If we do not fight to defend what is ours,
maybe tomorrow it may stop belonging to us. Why do we fight?? We should
stand up for our ideals. No to Barrick Gold in the Dominican Republic.
The reality of Barrick Gold in Dominican Republic
Barrick Gold contract and contamination in Dominican Republic
So we want to create some statement about what we think is Horrible for our beloved country , D.R.
it's not an super ecological movement..It's basically about the future of our nation..
Historically speaking , no nation in the world had get out of a third world situation through mining..In fact their situation has getting worst and worst..Specially with such a destructive contract made by Barrick Gold and some lobbyist in our congress..Like Tanzania, Bolivia, the frontier between Chile and Argentina,South Africa, Papua New guinea, etc, they look developed countries to you?
We are getting conscious of the damage and the poisoning they are doing to our nation , specially after they poison our waters , resources and mind ..Like they did in 1492
Hatillo Dam, Is country’s most important freshwater source. Measuring 22 square kilometers, the dam irrigates the Cibao’s rice fields, the country’s main staple food, as well as numerous other crops both for national consumption and export.
La presa de Hatillo es la mas grande reserva de agua dulce en el pais, y asi se encuentra ahora despues de la llegada de la Barrick Gold: Usted beberia de ella ahora?
Nobody can spreed poison in Our land, Our humble people and Our concious!
What are we going to tell our future generations when they ask why we didn't do anything to stop the destruction of our beautiful land?
Be proactive!
La Presa de hatillo era un lugar de esparcimiento para las familias, donde estaba el agua para regar las cosechas, y un lugar de pesca, un patrimonio de la nacion..
..Ahora es simplemente uno de los basureros mas de la BG
Ni usted ni ninguno de sus hijos usara JAMAS la presa de Hatillo gracias a la Barrick Gold,. una compania que NO da trabajo, No lo beneficia a usted, No construye y solo trae muerte y enfermedades a cualquier parte del mundo a donde va..
La pregunta es : Vale la pena tener una compania asi en nuestra tierra?
They admited that they were usin a huge amount of cyanide :
"Posteriormente, y durante el programa del buen amigo Dr. Julio Hazim, el ejecutivo máximo en el país de la Barrick Gold admitió que esa empresa usará en el proceso de explotación del oro en Cotuí el cianuro, con lo cual quedaba confirmada la información obtenida, y que fuera hecha pública por quien esto escribe en conversación con el gran amigo don Álvaro Arvelo, en el programa El Gobierno de la Mañana, a quien el país debe agradecer sus valerosas denuncias públicas sobre los abusos de la empresa minera.
La información de que la Barrick Gold va a importar una gran cantidad de cianuro a la República Dominicana, debe de poner en auto a las autoridades dominicanas, en su ineludible deber de exigir que se cumplan de forma rigurosa las estrictas medidas de seguridad (conforme a las normas del Consejo Internacional de Metales y Medio Ambiente con Sede en Ontario), que eviten o reduzcan a la mínima expresión la posibilidad de un accidente que pueda generar una catástrofe ecológica, de magnitudes nunca vistas en nuestro territorio.
El peligro que acecha al país es mucho más grave cuando se examina la actitud de la Barrick Gold sobre la última experiencia de intoxicación masiva en Cotuí. En vez de declarar la realidad de lo ocurrido, se optó por otorgar una versión pública que nadie creyó, relativa a intoxicación de alimentos, lo que fue desmentido por un estudio técnico y científico dado a conocer por la UASD la semana pasada, que atribuye a una emanación de gas tóxico lo ocurrido.
Que la gente sepa que hay dominicanos con conciencia y pantalones!
Barrick Gold,
Dominican Republic,
Cotui 43000, Dominican Republic
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